Personal Hygienic Practices for Feed Personnel

Home Hygienic Practices and Maintaining Personal Cleanliness FSMA Requirements

FSMA Requirements

Training Requirements Outlined in FSMA related to Animal Food Hygiene and and Animal Food Safety

CFR Title 21, Part 507.4

(b) Each individual engaged in manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding animal food (including temporary and seasonal personnel) or in the supervision thereof must:

(2) Receive training in the principles of animal food hygiene and animal food safety, including the importance of employee health and personal hygiene, as appropriate to the animal food, the facility and the individual's assigned duties.

(d) Records that document training required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section must be established and maintained and are subject to the recordkeeping requirements in subpart F of this part.

Personnel Hygiene Requirements Outlined in FSMA

CFR Title 21, Part 507.14

(a) The management of the establishment must take reasonable measures and precautions to ensure that all persons working in direct contact with animal food, animal food-contact surfaces, and animal food-packaging materials conform to hygienic practices to the extent necessary to protect against the contamination of animal food.

(b) The methods for conforming to hygienic practices and maintaining cleanliness include:

(1) Maintaining adequate personal cleanliness;

(2) Washing hands thoroughly in an adequate hand-washing facility as necessary and appropriate to protect against contamination;

(3) Removing or securing jewelry and other objects that might fall into animal food, equipment, or containers;

(4) Storing clothing or other personal belongings in areas other than where animal food is exposed or where equipment or utensils are cleaned; and

(5) Taking any other necessary precautions to protect against the contamination of animal food, animal food-contact surfaces, or animal food-packaging materials.

CFR Title 21, Part 507.20

(a) (2)Running water at a suitable temperature, and under suitable pressure as needed, must be provided in all areas where required for the manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of animal food, for the cleaning of equipment, utensils, and animal food-packaging materials, or for employee hand-washing facilities

CFR Title 21, Part 507.20

(e)Each plant must provide hand-washing facilities designed to ensure that an employee's hands are not a potential source of contamination of animal food, animal food-contact surfaces, or animal food-packaging materials.

CFR Title 21, Part 507.20

(d) Each plant must provide employees with adequate, readily accessible toilet facilities. Toilet facilities must be kept clean and must not be a potential source of contamination of animal food, animal food-contact surfaces, or animal food-packaging materials.

CFR Title 21, Part 507.17

(b)(4) Provide adequate lighting in hand-washing areas, toilet rooms, areas where animal food is received, manufactured, processed, packed, or held, and areas where equipment or utensils are cleaned

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