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Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls for Feed Online Training

Receive a PCQI Certificate and build an Animal Food Safety Plan

What is Feed Industry HACCP?

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic approach that can be applied throughout the food manufacturing chain including animal feed as a means to ensure product safety through preventative controls.

Implementation of hazard analysis and preventative controls by food establishments, including feed manufacturers, is required by the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Adoption of HACCP principles are mandated within FSMA including the need to perform a hazard analysis, establish preventative controls, corrective actions, verification, and recordkeeping, and develop a written plan to prevent feed and food safety hazards. Adoption of HACCP also helps companies retain their competitiveness in a global market.

Texas A&M University faculty and International HACCP Alliance approved instructors from the Office of the Texas State Chemist provide resources and training to equip feed professionals with skills to help them comply with FSMA, meet global food safety requirements, and address customer needs.

Upcoming Courses

(See brochure for more information)

Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls for Feed Online Training and Animal Food Safety Plan Development – Receive a PCQI Certificate and Develop a Food Safety Plan
Dates: TBD
Cost: $500 per person
Class Meeting: TBD via Zoom

Email prabha@otsc.tamu.edu if you have questions about small group registration or next course offering.